Getting Started | GRIP

Learn To Use Our Platforms

GRIP is supported on two platforms: GMLC GCP platform and OpenFIDO platform. Whether you’re a beginner ready to learn the basics or an experienced developer seeking advanced implentation into your utilities, our collection of video and presentations has got you covered!

Choosing Your Path

Our expertly curated content is designed to guide you through each topic step-by-step, ensuring easy usage of our Grid Resilience and Intelligence Platform.

User Guide: For beginners and platform contributors, OpenFIDO is an accessible for new comers to get started as well as tools for developers looking to help contribute to the project. Our tutorials provide a visual and interactive way to learn how to use the software through step-by-step instructions.

Developer Guide: For experienced developers, our GMLC Platform supports analytics developed under the GMLC grant enabling the implentation of advanced techniques and allow you to stay updated with the latest industry practices.

Navigate the the menu bar to select which platform you prefer!

Learn More

Navigate to OpenFIDO to get started on the learning materials. Learn about the sucess stories of GRIP’s implentation for Use-Cases. Read into in-depth literature and news articles at Publications.